Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2019.12.002

A Review on Ethiopian Meat production trends, consumption and meat quality parameters


Addis Fikrie Birhanu

Cattle, camel and small animal meat product research and processing researcher, Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute, Bishoftu, Ethiopia. P.Box 1573

Published: November 13,2019


Ethiopian meat production trends raising moderately with some fluctuation. The total meat production increase from 578,240 tons in 2004 to 749,430 tons in year 2010 and decreased to 597,765 tons in year 2017. Even though the country had huge number livestock population, the production of meat still low and contributed to about 0.2 percent of the world total meat production. This was due to low off-take rates, inability to fulfill international standard, legal and illegal live animal export. Ethiopia per capita of meat consumption is 8 kg, which is the lowest as compared to developing countries (77 kg) and developed (25 kg). This is because of low per capita incomes, non-commercial oriented animal husbandry practices and high domestic meat prices. The most important meat quality parameters include pH, colour, water holding capacity, tenderness, flavour, juiciness, cooking loss. These parameter affected by animal pre and post slaughter factor.


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How to cite this paper

A Review on Ethiopian Meat production trends, consumption and meat quality parameters

How to cite this paper: Birhanu, A.F. (2019) A Review on Ethiopian Meat production trends, consumption and meat quality parameters. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 3(4), 267-274.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2019.12.002