Modelisation of the different alteration factor of durum wheat stored in Tunisia
Bouslah Fatima 1,*, Khaled Elmoueddeb 1, Mohamed Elyes Hamza 2
1 Department of Mecanical Engineering High School of Engineer University of Jendouba, 9070, Medjez El Bab, Tunisia.
2 Department of Agricultural Engineering Forestry water, National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, University of Carthage 1082 Cité Mahrajène Le Belvédère Tuni, Tunisia.
*Corresponding author: Bouslah Fatima, Department of Mecanical Engineering High School of Engineer University of Jendouba, 9070, Medjez El Bab, Tunisia.
Published: January 9,2020
According to the analysis of the means, at the end of 6 months of storage of the two silos, the impurity levels is 0.94% for the control silo while it is 0.49% for the experimental silo. The rate of broken kernels increased during the storage period in the experimental silo and this reflects the effect of grain transfer from 0.41% to 0.48%, while the attacked kernels decreased by 0.9% at 0.41%. There was a higher incidence of dead insects in the control silo as this cell was retreated during filling and some live insects died by shaking the durum wheat from the experimental silo during removed grains. The models of the determined regression equations of the different durum degradation variables make it possible to note that moisture and temperature are the main triggers for the increase of losses by the damage to broken grains, attacked grains, mitered grains and dust, the proliferation of insects. This is validated by the models equations, which explain that each variable causes the other three in the presence of temperature and humidity. The increase of the attacked grains generates an elevation of the broken grains later all this will generate an increase of dust thanks to the activity of the insects. The presence of broken grains, dust, attacked and macerated grains at the beginning of durum storage in the experimental and control silos. All the models are explained inter alia by the attacked grains variable, which explains that this one is the main provocateur of the stored durum wheat alterations. Indicating that mitered grains (starchy grains) is one of the main factors in the commercial decommissioning of durum wheat. The dust results from all these degradation. Models of regression equations for the occurrence of live and dead insects show that these insect variables vary with storage time (days), moisture and temperature of model stored durum wheat. In addition to the regression equations of living and dead insects that are explained by the attacked, lean, harmful grains and other durum wheat grains stored model show that these latter factors facilitate the proliferation of insects in the durum wheat mass in the presence of temperature and humidity. The grains of other grains and pests are very fragile to be attacked by insects. The proliferation of insects weakens the conservation of durum wheat grains. Impurities are the residues of all the degradation of durum and other grains of other cereals. The variable impurity increases with the attacked grains, taking into account that the impurities evolve well with the temperature and humidity. It is noted that lean beans contribute to the degradation of durum wheat grains and show dust in the presence of temperature and humidity. Finally, the presence of broken grains, attacked, dust and impurities at the beginning of storage can inform us about the quality and quantity of durum grain losses at the end of the storage period.
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How to cite this paper
Modelisation of the different alteration factor of durum wheat stored in Tunisia
How to cite this paper: Fatima, B., Elmoueddeb, K., Hamza M. E. (2020) Modelisation of the different alteration factor of durum wheat stored in Tunisia. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 4(1), 12-17.