The balanced development of primary education is crucial to educational equity, so it is of great significance to study the balanced development of primary education in Shaanxi Province. This article first discusses the theories and research methods related to primary education. Using the primary education data in the "Shaanxi Statistical Yearbook" from 2012 to 2021, factor analysis and K-Means cluster analysis methods were used to conduct specific analysis and clustering of the development differences of primary education in ten cities in Shaanxi Province in 2021. The research results show that there is an imbalance in the development of primary education in different cities. Specifically, Xi'an City performs well in development, while Baoji City lags behind other cities. Finally, based on the research results, a series of relevant suggestions are put forward to promote the balanced development of primary education in Shaanxi Province. These recommendations aim to narrow the educational development gap between different regions and ensure that every student has access to equal educational opportunities, thus contributing to educational equity and social progress.
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Research on the Balanced Development of Primary Education in Shaanxi Province
How to cite this paper: Youhui Li, Lifeng Guo. (2023) Research on the Balanced Development of Primary Education in Shaanxi Province. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 7(4), 512-518.