Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijcemr.2024.01.003

Assessment of Patient Satisfaction and Associated Factors at Impulse Hospital in Dhaka City During January to June 2023 After the COVID-19 Pandemic


A. S. M. Giasuddin1,*, Laila Arjumand Banu2, Wadud Ali Khan3, M. Jalaluddin4, Tahmina Karim Annei5

1Senior Consultant of Laboratory Medicine (Biochemistry & Immunology), Department of Laboratory Medicine, Impulse Hospital, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.

2Chief Consultant of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Impulse Hospital, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.

3Interventional Gastroenterologist & Chief coordinator, Impulse Hospital, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.

4Cardiologist & Medicine Specialist, Impulse Hospital, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.

5Assistant Director, Impulse Hospital, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author: A. S. M. Giasuddin

Published: January 30,2024


Background: Inpatient satisfaction levels in private corporate Hospitals are not adequately studied in Bangladesh. Objective: The study was undertaken to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the inpatients and to assess their levels of satisfaction regarding healthcare services at Impulse Hospital, a private corporate institution in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Patients & Methods: The present descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 117 Inpatients/Respondents at 250-bed Impulse Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh from January to June 2023 after the COVID-19 pandemic. The pretested questionnaire was used to collect data by face-to-face interviews relevant to the evaluation of  Socio-demographic features; Status of patient satisfaction on the admission process; Standard of cleanliness at impulse hospital; Quality, Quantity, and taste of food and drink supplied; Nurse/Nursing related infor-mation; Ward attendance (PCA) related information; Doctor/Clinician related information; Process of release from hospital related information; Comments and suggestions by patients/respondents about overall management at Impulse Hospital, Dhaka. The satisfaction levels were noted on the questionnaire sheet as very good, good, fair, bad, and no answer according to the questionnaire and areas for assessment. Simple frequencies and percentages of all variables were used to find the relationship between dependent and independent variables. All necessary procedures regarding ethical issues were followed as laid down by the World Medical Association (WMA). Results: Among 117 inpatients/respondents, the majority of them i.e. 65 (55.5%) were in the age group of 21-40 years, 72 (61.5%) were males and 45 (38.5%) were females. Regarding qualification, family size and annual income, 63 (53.8%) were graduates, 83 (70.9%) were nuclear families and 34 (29.1%) were joint families and the income varied from 20001 to 50000 Taka (n=72, 81.5%) per month and by profession, they were private job holder (43, 36.6%) and business (31, 26.5%) and by religion mostly Muslims (n=102, 87.2%). Status of patient satisfaction on (1) The admission process was about 90.6%-91.5%; (2) Cleanliness varied from 87.2%-90.6%; (3) Quality, quantity, and taste of food and drink ranged from 51.3%-89.5%. Quality of some foods was com-promised as satisfaction level dropped to 24.7%-26.5%; (4) Nurse/Nursing services and their approach to inpatients varied from 75.2%-91.5% with good behavior and cooperation from nurses; (5) Cooperation and behavior of PCA also varied from 91.5%-93.2%; (6) Doctor/Clinician related information was excellent as inpatients satisfaction level varied from 93.2%-97.4% for varies components such as visiting by doctor every day (97.4%), seen by the specialized doctor (93.2%) quick response during patients need (96.6%), answering to queries quickly (94.0%) and approach by clinicians (95.7%); (7) Very high percentage (97.4%) of inpatients were satisfied with the release process from hospital after treatment; (8) Finally, a large number of inpatients/respondents made comments and suggestion about overall management at Impulse Hospital with expressions as very good (31/117, 26.5%), good (67/117, 57.2%), fair (2/117, 1.7%), bad (4/117, 3.4%) and NA (13/117, 11.2%). Conclusion: Impulse Hospital has almost all the required facilities relevant to providing high-quality healthcare services in all sub-specialties of Medicine, Surgery, Obstructive & Gynaecology and Paediatrics, etc. However, more improvements are definitely needed in some areas of healthcare services such as food supply, cleanliness, and overall management of the hospital. Further studies should be conducted including more respondents and hospitals in Dhaka city with the aim of overcoming the deficiencies in the present study.


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How to cite this paper

Assessment of Patient Satisfaction and Associated Factors at Impulse Hospital in Dhaka City During January to June 2023 After the COVID-19 Pandemic

How to cite this paper: A. S. M. Giasuddin, Laila Arjumand Banu, Wadud Ali Khan, M. Jalaluddin, Tahmina Karim Annei. (2024) Assessment of Patient Satisfaction and Associated Factors at Impulse Hospital in Dhaka City During January to June 2023 After the COVID-19 PandemicInternational Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research8(1), 17-26.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijcemr.2024.01.003