Nepalese bovine farming is crucial yet underperforming enterprise in Nepal. Inadequate husbandry, lack of proper nutrition and increasing cost of inputs in relationship with the price of outputs makes it a risky business. Diseases and reproductive pathologies tops the list and mastitis is one among top three threats found by farmers of Nepal. Sub-clinical mastitis is characterized by no visible changes in the appearance of the milk and udder but milk production decreases and if timely detected saves lots of trouble to the animal, farmer and the veterinarian. The aim of this paper is to review reported information on status, associated risks and preventive measures of sub-clinical mastitis in bovines of Nepal. A systematic review of available papers published in Nepalese and International magazines, journals, conference souvenirs through hard copy and online search from Google Scholar, Research Gate was done. The obtained information was thoroughly reviewed and the prevalence incidence rate, microbes involved, treatment approach adopted was reanalyzed and summarized. Sub clinical mastitis is serious problem from both farmers and consumers’ point of view. Given the era of antimicrobial resistance, consumer concerns, cost of treatment and stress of high production-sustainable management is likely the best approach.
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A Review on “Bovine Sub-Clinical Mastitis in Nepal: Sustainable Management Strategy.”
How to cite this paper: Bhattarai, A., Kaphle, K., Adhikari, P. (2020) A Review on “Bovine Sub-Clinical Mastitis in Nepal: Sustainable Management Strategy.”. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 4(1), 80-89.