To determine whether the perpetrator has committed the crime of fundraising fraud, the main focus is on examining whether they had the "intent of unlawful appropriation." The determination of whether the fundraiser has the "purpose of illegal possession" is often inferred through judicial interpretation, symposium minutes, and other pertinent judicial documents. However, judicial presumption has its limitations. In practice, there are some disputes about the circumstances under which the perpetrator is presumed to have the "intent of illegal possession". For example, can the objective inability to return identify the perpetrator with an "illegal possession purpose"? Does "borrowing the new to return the old" imply an "illegal possession purpose"? How should we understand the concept of "profligate"? This paper mainly discusses three controversial points and proposes some practical suggestions regarding the presumption process in criminal law. It advocates following the modest requirements of criminal law, rejecting the theory of harm only, adhering to a comprehensive judgment of the entire case, and allowing the use of counterevidence to challenge the presumption. The aim is to offer theoretical guidance for judicial practice.
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On the Judicial Dispute and Perfection of “Illegal Possession Purpose” in the Crime of Fund-raising Fraud
How to cite this paper: Jianing Tang. (2024) On the Judicial Dispute and Perfection of “Illegal Possession Purpose” in the Crime of Fund-raising Fraud. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 8(2), 491-495.