
Challenge-oriented Development in a Regional Innovation Network: A Case Study from the State of Hesse in Germany


Stefan Campos Mühlenhoff1, Christian Herzig2,*

1Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel, Kassel, Hessen, Germany.

2Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences and Environmental Management, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Giessen, Hesse, Germany.

*Corresponding author:Christian Herzig

Published: April 3,2024


The role of knowledge and innovation is undergoing a transformation. Rather than only fostering economic growth, new approaches to innovation policy underline its role in tackling grand societal challenges. However, existing concepts for researching regional innovation such as the regional-innovation systems (RIS) approach have not sufficiently addressed this shift towards sustainability. Applying the challenge-oriented regional innovation system (CoRIS) approach, this case study examines the opportunities and challenges of innovation systems to foster sustainable transformation at the regional level. Using the construction sector as the largest waste-producing sector in the economy, the case study looks at an innovation network in the North Hesse region. It highlights how the connection between private and public actors contributes to technical, procedural, and institutional innovation. At the same time, the case study shows limitations of regional innovation through limited policy coherence across scales.


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How to cite this paper

Challenge-oriented Development in a Regional Innovation Network: A Case Study from the State of Hesse in Germany

How to cite this paper: Stefan Campos Mühlenhoff, Christian Herzig. (2024). Challenge-oriented Development in a Regional Innovation Network: A Case Study from the State of Hesse in GermanyAdvance in Sustainability, 4(1), 1-11.