Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ea.2024.02.005

Discussion on Solving the Problem of “Labor Disturbance” in Construction Labor Under the Mode of Project Management


Chao Zhang

Sichuan Herong Shengshi Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

*Corresponding author: Chao Zhang

Published: April 7,2024


In construction enterprises, the issue of "noise operation" in the collection of migrant workers' wages has emerged as a pressing and fundamental problem that needs immediate attention. In addition to the issue of certain enterprises maliciously withholding wages from migrant workers, there are also contractors and labor intermediaries who exploit migrant workers to demand higher wages, thereby encouraging them to ask for more during the wage negotiation process. This practice seeks to secure illegal benefits for the contractors and labor intermediaries. In the context of the economic downturn, the profits of construction companies have fallen, leading to emerging issues and resulting in losses on some projects. As the Project Security Manager, you will be required to assist the Project Department in handling such incidents. This paper mainly analyzes the root causes of such problems and proposes methods to address and prevent them. These findings can serve as a valuable reference for enterprises and project managers during the actual management process.


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How to cite this paper

Discussion on Solving the Problem of “Labor Disturbance” in Construction Labor Under the Mode of Project Management

How to cite this paper: Chao Zhang. (2024). Discussion on Solving the Problem of “Labor Disturbance” in Construction Labor Under the Mode of Project Management. Engineering Advances4(1), 29-32.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ea.2024.02.005