
An Investigation into Using VR for Improving Public Speaking


Yuxin Wen

School of Design, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.

*Corresponding author: Yuxin Wen

Published: April 8,2024


This article is a literature review on how virtual reality (VR) can assist individuals in enhancing their public speaking skills and overcoming fear. This paper combines the theories of cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness therapy, and non-verbal communication. It summarizes and analyzes previous research and theories, investigates the application of VR to help overcome the fear of public speaking, and identifies controversial claims and research gaps. This work aims to assist individuals in conquering their fear of public speaking and enhancing their public speaking abilities through VR technology, ultimately resulting in improved career advancement and overall happiness. The project will attempt to do the following: (1) Investigate how traditional cognitive behavioural therapy and VR cognitive behavioural therapy can help people with fear of speech; (2) Investigate how mindfulness meditation and breathing training in mindfulness therapy help speech fear and the advantages of mindfulness meditation in VR; (3) Investigate the non-verbal communication in speech and the training of sight and gesture in a speech by VR technology Google Scholar and University of Leeds Library are used as the main sources for retrieving articles. The publication dates of the articles are mainly between 2017 and 2023. The keywords used to search for articles are as follows: “public speaking” or “cognitive behavioural therapy”, “virtual reality” or “cognitive behavioural therapy”, “public speaking” or “mindfulness therapy”, “virtual reality” or “mindfulness therapy”, “public speaking” or “nonverbal communication skills training”, “virtual reality” or “nonverbal communication skills training”.


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How to cite this paper

An Investigation into Using VR for Improving Public Speaking

How to cite this paper: Yuxin Wen. (2024) An Investigation into Using VR for Improving Public Speaking. Advances in Computer and Communication5(1), 26-30.