Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are more and more widely used in marine resources exploration and marine military activities. This paper studies the security encryption of information transmission between the USV and the mothership under the malicious attack of hackers. The USV transmits useful information such as posture status and position to the mother ship. A trajectory tracking controller implemented in the mother ship will generate the optimal control signal to the USV so that the USV will follow the preset path. To ensure the security of information transmission between the mother ship and the USV, the Paillier encryption algorithm is introduced into the MPC-based trajectory tracking controller to prevent malicious attackers from eroding the security of information transmission. To make the encryption algorithm compatible with the trajectory tracking controller, two compatibility designs are added: realize the conversion from floating point numbers to integer sequences and achieve subtraction operations. Through the simulation of trajectory tracking, the effectiveness of the proposed safety control framework is proved.
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Secure Encryption System for USV Trajectory Tracking Based on MPC
How to cite this paper: Di Liu. (2024) Secure Encryption System for USV Trajectory Tracking Based on MPC. Advances in Computer and Communication, 5(1), 83-96.