Throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the violin underwent a remarkable evolution, reaching its zenith of prosperity in the Baroque period. During this era, there were significant transformations in the appearance, structure, sound quality, and aesthetic appeal of the violin. These changes marked centuries of development that highlighted the instrument's unique artistic value and expanded its appeal among audiences. During the 16th and 17th centuries, there was a significant increase in interest and emphasis on the violin, closely linked to advancements in the craft of violin making. This industry not only responded to the evolving demands for artistic and cultural expression but also mirrored broader societal and civilizational advancements. Music played a crucial role in spurring ongoing innovation in violin design and construction. Despite extensive research, there has been a notable gap in empirical studies exploring the connection between these developments. Is the interrelationship between them merely speculative? This paper seeks to delve into the significant relationship between the violin-making industry and musical innovation during this time frame, with a special emphasis on the contributions of the Amati family in the 16th and 17th centuries.
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Exploring the Evolution of Italian Violin Music in the Era of the Amati Family
How to cite this paper: Yifan Wu. (2024) Exploring the Evolution of Italian Violin Music in the Era of the Amati Family. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 8(3), 615-620.