Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jhass.2024.03.014

Confucian Idea of “Unity of Heaven and Human” in Paradise


Bei Zhang

Department of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China.

*Corresponding author: Bei Zhang

Published: April 19,2024


Toni Morrison, the first contemporary African-American female writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, explores the trauma endured by African Americans through the prisms of race, culture, and society in her literary works. She dissects the causes of their physical and psychological traumas in a society dominated by white people. By depicting the experiences and fates of her characters, Morrison clarifies the imperative need for humans to maintain harmonious connections with nature, others, and their own inner selves. Morrison thoroughly examines effective methods to achieve harmony between humans and nature, society, and the self. The Confucian idea of “Unity of Heaven and Human” also explores the bond between Heaven and humans, focusing on the relationships between humans and nature, humans and society, and humans with their inner selves. This paper aims to analyze the embodiment of Confucian thought in Paradise and present a new perspective for understanding and studying this novel.


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How to cite this paper

Confucian Idea of “Unity of Heaven and Human” in Paradise

How to cite this paper: Bei Zhang. (2024) Confucian Idea of “Unity of Heaven and Human” in Paradise. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(3), 629-637.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jhass.2024.03.014