Artistic talents have always been relatively scarce in our country. Cultivating comprehensive artistic talents is one of the goals of China's educational development. However, students in art colleges are greatly influenced by external factors when learning English. For example, in the learning process, art students tend to neglect learning English. "The rise of education brings unprecedented opportunities and challenges to English teaching in higher vocational colleges and higher English teaching." The necessity of reforming college English teaching in art colleges is essential. This involves exploring the construction of an "Internet+" college English teaching mode specifically tailored for art colleges. Based on the analysis of college English teaching in art colleges, the study explores the integration of mobile apps with English classrooms, MOOCs with flipped classrooms, and micro-classes with flipped classroom models for English teaching. This paper discusses the development of an ecological teaching model for college English courses using a network-based teaching platform.
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Research on College English Teaching Mode in Art Colleges Under the Background of “Internet +”
How to cite this paper: Ruinan Chen. (2024). Research on College English Teaching Mode in Art Colleges Under the Background of “Internet +”.The Educational Review, USA, 8(5), 758-762.