
A Review of Research on Children’s Peer Communication Ability from the Perspective of Core Literacy


Qihuan Chen1, Yannan Liu1, Guanbao Liu2,*

1Department of Education Graduate School, Sehan University, Mokpo, South Korea.

2Shanghai Lida University, Shanghai, China.

*Corresponding author: Guanbao Liu

Published: June 11,2024


"Peer communication ability" is present in various fields as a form of "core literacy" in a media-style format. This study primarily focuses on the literature concerning "children's peer communication ability." It reveals that the research theme centers on the study of the concept of peer communication ability, its structure, and influencing factors. Additionally, it explores the developmental patterns of peer communication ability, encompassing the overall developmental trajectory and critical periods. The study also delves into related research on peer communication ability, such as executive function, emotional regulation, family parenting styles, theory of mind, and peer relationships. Furthermore, the study investigates strategies for enhancing peer communication ability. Based on the requirements of preschool learning standards in various countries, this study identifies several research trends in related fields and discusses the findings in the context of "core literacy" education.


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How to cite this paper

A Review of Research on Children’s Peer Communication Ability from the Perspective of Core Literacy

How to cite this paper: Qihuan Chen, Yannan Liu, Guanbao Liu. (2024). A Review of Research on Children’s Peer Communication Ability from the Perspective of Core Literacy.The Educational Review, USA8(5), 763-768.