The Samedeco is a local association which works to promote mental health and community development in a circle of mutual support. Our research focused on “Contribution of local associations in the promotion of mental health and female entrepreneurship in improving the socio-economic conditions of women in Burundi: Case of SAMEDECO”. The Samedeco association engages in a range of activities, including psycho-medical assistance to people affected by HIV/AIDS, socio-economic integration of vulnerable individuals, and educational support to children in need. The general objective of this study was to analyze the contribution of promoting mental health and entrepreneurship among host families of children supervised by the Samedeco association to improve the living conditions of women in Burundi. The specific aims were to identify the mental health promotion and entrepreneurial activities of these host families and to show the living conditions of the families involved in the Samedeco program. Research methodology was applied to conduct this study to follow both qualitative and quantitative processes. The surveyed population was made up of 1056 individuals from which a sample of 88 individuals obtained by applying Alain Bouchard's formula was taken and 1 president, and 1 person responsible for the social development of these child foster families were added. Quantitative data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). After analyzing the results found on the ground, we note that the Samedeco association has carried out health promotion activities such as healing trauma and raising awareness among women members of the Samedeco association. Thus, the conclusion followed by recommendations made to the main actors was mentioned in this work.
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Contribution of Local Associations in the Promotion of Mental Health and Women’s Entrepreneurship in Improving the Socio-Economic Conditions of Women in Burundi: Case of Samedeco
How to cite this paper: Jeanine Ndihokubwayo, Gervais Irankunda, Victor Barantota. (2024) Contribution of Local Associations in the Promotion of Mental Health and Women’s Entrepreneurship in Improving the Socio-Economic Conditions of Women in Burundi: Case of Samedeco. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 8(5), 1072-1082.