Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jhass.2024.05.005

Is “Taobao Village” a New Model of Rural Development in China?


Mian Lin

School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.

*Corresponding author: Mian Lin

Published: June 11,2024


"Taobao Village" is growing rapidly in China. According to the current phenomenon, Taobao Village has brought benefits to the rural economy. It is necessary to summarize the practical experience of existing cases, especially to answer whether is Taobao Village really a new model for China's rural development or not. The research theme is divided into three basic questions: Why Taobao Village was formed? Why can the online store project be introduced into the village and continue to spread? Why can it reach the quantitative standard formed in Taobao Village? This paper takes Cao Xian as an example of exploring the developing path of Taobao Village. It summarizes a theoretical framework of forming factors of Taobao village, which includes five elements: industrial foundation, Taobao platform, infrastructure and logistics, new rural people, and government support. The government should take the specialized village as the main cultivation object of Taobao village, strengthen infrastructure construction, further improve the logistics system, formulate support policies, and attract more young people to join e-commerce entrepreneurship.


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How to cite this paper

Is “Taobao Village” a New Model of Rural Development in China?

How to cite this paper: Mian Lin. (2024) Is “Taobao Village” a New Model of Rural Development in China? Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science8(5), 1102-1105.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jhass.2024.05.005