In today's society, college students are faced with many employment challenges, which pose a severe test for their career development. Despite the numerous challenges, college students are also presented with various employment opportunities that offer new possibilities for their career development. This paper aims to provide guidance to universities and relevant departments. Firstly, the current employment situation of college students is analyzed, and the challenges and opportunities are identified. Secondly, this paper introduces various employability improvement activities carried out by the school, including career guidance, practical training, entrepreneurship support, and other aspects. Furthermore, the positive impact of students' involvement in campus organizations, club activities, and extracurricular competitions on enhancing employability is discussed. Finally, this paper summarizes the effectiveness and existing problems of the current strategy and provides suggestions for future development to serve as a reference for enhancing college students' employability.
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Research on the Strategy of Promoting College Students’ Employability in Student Work
How to cite this paper: Chongxiao An, Yixiu Ma. (2024) Research on the Strategy of Promoting College Students’ Employability in Student Work. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 8(6), 1496-1501.