Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jamc.2024.06.011

Reachable Set Estimation for Neutral Markovian Jump Systems with Time-varying Delay and Distributed Delay


Shouwei Zhou*, Jiangliu Gu

College of Big Data and Information Engineering, Guiyang Institute of Humanities and Technology, Guiyang, Guizhou, China.

*Corresponding author: Shouwei Zhou

Published: July 22,2024


Neutral Markov jump systems are a special class of switched systems with time-varying neutral delays. The estimation of the boundary of reachable sets for such systems is one of the important properties of dynamic theory and is currently a research hotspot in dynamic properties. The main focus of this paper is to investigate the estimation of reachable set boundaries for neutral Markov jump systems with time-varying delays, distributed delays, and bounded disturbances. This paper primarily explores and analyzes the boundary problem of reachable sets by constructing appropriate Lyapunov functions, utilizing linear matrix inequality analysis techniques, and combining the approach of free-weight matrices. The objective is to find an ellipsoid set as small as possible to bound the reachable set defined in this paper. By doing so, we aim to derive a less conservative boundary condition for the reachable set. Subsequently, numerical examples are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the obtained results, thus confirming the correctness and validity of the findings presented in this paper.


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How to cite this paper

Reachable Set Estimation for Neutral Markovian Jump Systems with Time-varying Delay and Distributed Delay

How to cite this paper: Shouwei Zhou, Jiangliu Gu. (2024) Reachable Set Estimation for Neutral Markovian Jump Systems with Time-varying Delay and Distributed DelayJournal of Applied Mathematics and Computation8(2), 177-190.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jamc.2024.06.011