
A Medical Data Storage and Sharing Model Based on Blockchain


Yaqiong Zhang*, Hui Zhang

School of Information Engineering, Yulin University, Yulin 719000, Shaanxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Yaqiong Zhang

Published: July 30,2024


Aiming to address the issues of centralized storage, low sharing efficiency, and privacy disclosure of medical data, this paper proposes a security sharing model for medical data based on blockchain technology. The model utilizes bilinear mapping for authentication, enabling bidirectional authentication between patients and hospitals. By combining AES and ABE encryption algorithms for fine-grained access control of medical data, the model employs searchable encryption technology to facilitate secure search of medical data. The effectiveness of the proposed authentication scheme is analyzed using BAN logic, considering storage overhead and computational cost. The results indicate that the security model presented in this article fulfills various security requirements during the authentication process, ensuring secure sharing of medical data. Furthermore, in terms of accessibility, the average communication time and cost are reduced, meeting the integrity, privacy, and availability requirements for medical data storage and sharing.


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How to cite this paper

A Medical Data Storage and Sharing Model Based on Blockchain

How to cite this paper: Yaqiong Zhang, Hui Zhang. (2024) A Medical Data Storage and Sharing Model Based on Blockchain. Advances in Computer and Communication5(3), 158-164.