The UK is a culturally diverse country housing people from different ethnic backgrounds worldwide. While diversity is considered a strength in modern society, it also comes with shortcomings that, when investigated, reveal a decline in the cultural heritage of a people. In settling in the UK, Chinese immigrants must integrate with the local community to establish a life in the country for themselves. Communication is pivotal in the integration process and mainly relies on language. Culture is important in developing the identity of a child. In a diverse community where people from different ethnicities mingle, it becomes hard to maintain a cultural identity as there is a lot of borrowing from different cultures. This cultural mix-up, however inclusive it may be, tends to have adverse implications on certain cultures, especially for the minority. When a child grows up in an environment that tends to suppress their native culture, they are likely to develop a discouraging attitude toward their cultural heritage. Therefore, the level of language maintenance among Chinese immigrants is affected by various factors, all of which determine the development of the mother tongue spoken by the younger generations.
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A Study of the Mother Tongue Maintenance of Children (4-9 Years Old) in Chinese Immigrant Families in the UK
How to cite this paper: Zhixian Zhuang, Yan Liu, Yan Wang. (2024). A Study of the Mother Tongue Maintenance of Children (4-9 Years Old) in Chinese Immigrant Families in the UK.The Educational Review, USA, 8(7), 908-915.