Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijcemr.2024.07.015

Calculation of the Variable Costs of Traditional Medical Treatment for the Example of Hypergastric Disease


Li Li1,*, S. Dorjibat1, D. Tsend-Ayush1, Ch Chimedragchaa2

1International School of Mongolian Medicine (MNUMS), Ulaanbaatar 13270, Mongolia.

2Institute of Traditional Medicine and Technology of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 13270, Mongolia.

*Corresponding author: Li Li

Published: August 19,2024


The lack of clinical reports and statistical data in the field of traditional medicine, the lack of information on the types of treatment services, diagnosis structures, clinical guidelines, and conclusions about the clinical advantages and disadvantages of traditional medicine are the basis of our research. happened. Objective: to calculate the variable cost of treatment on the example of the disease (TMA.02.16) treated in the field of traditional medicine. According to Resolution No. 08 of the National Health Insurance Council dated June 28, 2023, traditional medical inpatient care services will be grouped into 13 groups and financed at 365,000-529,000 MNT. In the category of traditional medical care, gas, and blood rising disease is being financed by the Health Insurance Fund for 529,000 MNT under-diagnosis group TMA with code 41370011. Materials and methods: The study was conducted using a case study method using a retrospective research method, and data was collected from medical histories of clients who were hospitalized in the hospital of UAUTH and Amin-Erdene Hospital between 2017 and 2020. Collected information was studied and summarized by fact research methods and probability list methods, and the results were processed using SPSS-19 software. Results: 65.7 percent of the respondents were women, 34.3 percent were men, and the average age was 62.05 years. 86.6 percent of all doctors surveyed, or 8 out of 10 doctors, have health insurance financed by the government, or insurance such as pension and disability accounts for the main share. According to the researched diagnoses, when comparing the time spent by the employees in the bed of the inpatient patient with the salary, the average cost was 81,692 MNT in UAUTHK Hospital and 86,300 MNT in Amin-Erdene Traditional Hospital, while the average cost of medicine was 20,950 MNT in UAUTHK Hospital and 26,000 MNT in Amin-Erdene Hospital. Conclusion: In the case of gas ascension (TMA.02.16), the doctor of the hospital providing care and services pays 10-28% of the treatment cost, and the cost of the patient's one-time hospitalization differs from the actual cost of financing by the Health Insurance Fund.


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How to cite this paper

Calculation of the Variable Costs of Traditional Medical Treatment for the Example of Hypergastric Disease

How to cite this paper: Li Li, S. Dorjibat, D. Tsend-Ayush, Ch Chimedragchaa. (2024) Calculation of the Variable Costs of Traditional Medical Treatment for the Example of Hypergastric Disease. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research8(3), 456-461.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijcemr.2024.07.015