This literature review examines the role and effectiveness of test-taking strategies in English reading comprehension assessments, synthesizing findings from a wide range of studies conducted between 2012 and 2024. The aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these strategies can be optimized to help learners achieve better outcomes in English reading comprehension assessments. Through a detailed analysis of both qualitative and quantitative research, the review highlights the critical importance of various test-taking strategies, including cognitive, metacognitive, and affective approaches, in enhancing reading comprehension performance across diverse educational contexts. Additionally, the review emphasizes the effectiveness of direct instruction in test-taking strategies, particularly in improving test outcomes and reducing test anxiety among learners. However, the analysis reveals limitations related to the short duration of interventions, a narrow focus on specific strategies, and limited sample sizes, which may affect the generalizability of the findings. The review concludes by identifying areas for future research, including the need for longitudinal studies, a broader exploration of diverse strategies, and consideration of individual learner characteristics to optimize instruction in test-taking strategies and improve reading comprehension performance.
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A Literature Review of Test-taking Strategies in English Reading Comprehension
How to cite this paper: Shuangmei Xie, Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh. (2024). A Literature Review of Test-taking Strategies in English Reading Comprehension. The Educational Review, USA, 8(8), 1087-1096.