Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2024.09.005

Traditional Seafood Products and Their Packaging in Iran: A Review


M. Seifzadeh

National Fish Processing Research Center, Inland Water Aquaculture Research Institute, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization, Anzali 4314166976, Gilan, Iran.

*Corresponding author: M. Seifzadeh

Published: September 12,2024


All over the world, seafood is regarded as an affordable product that is susceptible to spoilage. Given the significant role these products play in nutrition and the economy, proper packaging methods can effectively control spoilage. Therefore, the goals of packaging seafood include preventing deterioration, maintaining quality, facilitating transportation, and providing information on product processing and preservation. In Iran, marine products are consumed in various forms, including traditional preparations. Salted, dried, fermented, and smoked fish are among this category of products. Species such as Zalon, mullet, white fish, Koli, and shrimp are commonly used to prepare traditional products in large quantities, while rainbow trout and sturgeon are rarely utilized for traditional preparations. Although various techniques have been proposed for packaging seafood, traditional products are often sold without packaging. However, conventional methods, such as using paper, are employed when these products are sold to consumers. Wood is another packaging method used for displaying these items. In many cases, these products are packaged in standard plastics in an aerobic manner or in disposable containers. During transportation, plastic boxes are also utilized. Given the challenges associated with packaging seafood, which must be evaluated in terms of nutrition, health, safety, environmental impact, and economic factors, advanced methods such as active packaging, edible coatings, bioplastics, and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) are recommended to maintain quality and reduce environmental pollution.


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How to cite this paper

Traditional Seafood Products and Their Packaging in Iran: A Review

How to cite this paper: M. Seifzadeh. (2024) Traditional Seafood Products and Their Packaging in Iran: A ReviewInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture8(3), 119-126.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2024.09.005