The following dissertation presents a research proposal aimed at exploring inclusive education in primary schools located in remote areas of China from the perspectives of students, educators (teachers), and parents. The concept of inclusive education has gained popularity and has been effectively implemented in many countries. However, in certain economically or educationally disadvantaged regions of China, inclusive education has not been successfully established. The researchers seek to understand the attitudes of these three distinct groups regarding issues related to inclusive education and to investigate whether inclusive education can be effectively implemented in remote areas. This research project employs a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection was conducted through an online questionnaire, focus groups, and semi-structured interviews. This project contributes to the advancement of inclusive education in China and provides valuable insights and a foundation for further research into the development of inclusive education in specific regions.
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Inclusive Education in Primary Schools in Remote Areas in China: Perspectives from Practitioners, Children, and Parents
How to cite this paper: Shasha Deng. (2024). Inclusive Education in Primary Schools in Remote Areas in China: Perspectives from Practitioners, Children, and Parents. The Educational Review, USA, 8(9), 1102-1116.