Using a conformal transformation, our curvilinear boundary domain is reduced to a parallelepiped domain to formulate boundary conditions more simply without increasing the complexity of the formulation of equations. The authors numerically study natural steady-state thermal convection within an enclosure bounded by two portions of cylindrical horizontal generator dishes and a flat surface. To generalize the problem and reduce the number of parameters involved, the equations will be dimensionalized thanks to carefully chosen reference quantities. Nonlinear algebraic systems resulting from discretization by the PDQ Method are solved by an iterative line-by-line relaxation method. Estimates of the space steps that give our schemes high stability are given. The authors analyzed the effects of control parameters such as the Rayleigh number and the variation in the mean Nusselt number as well as the variation in the local Nusselt number.
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Effect of Physical Parameters and Tilt Angle on Nusselt Number
How to cite this paper: Madialène Sene, Momath Ndiaye, Goumbo Ndiaye. (2024) Effect of Physical Parameters and Tilt Angle on Nusselt Number. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 8(3), 191-201.