This paper explores the aesthetic differences and commonalities between two prominent science fiction writers. An analysis of Cloud of Poems and Story of Your Life reveals the contrast between Cixin Liu’s grand narrative and Ted Chiang’s profound portrayal of humanity. Cixin Liu, a representative of Chinese hard science fiction, constructs magnificent visions of the future with his ambitious cosmology and optimistic attitude toward technology. Meanwhile, Chinese-American writer Ted Chiang demonstrates the emotional depth of science fiction through his exquisite narrative skills and deep exploration of human nature. In terms of aesthetic characteristics, Cixin Liu’s works emphasize the fusion of scientific rationality and humanistic care, while Chiang’s works tend to explore the ethical challenges posed by technology to individuals and society. In analyzing aesthetic functions, Cixin Liu’s Cloud of Poems inspires readers’ awe for the unknown with its magnificent poetics, while Chiang’s Story of Your Life triggers philosophical reflections on fate and free will through the protagonist’s omniscient perspective. From a cross-cultural perspective, these two works not only bear the imprints of their respective cultures but also showcase different Eastern and Western understandings and expectations of technology and the future within the global science fiction context. Through in-depth text analysis, this paper uncovers the uniqueness of the two writers in their aesthetic pursuits and narrative strategies, as well as the commonalities and differences of science fiction in different cultural contexts, providing new perspectives for comparative studies of science fiction literature.
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Aesthetic Comparison of Cixin Liu’s and Ted Chiang’s Science Fiction Works
How to cite this paper: Boyi He, Sun Yu, Xueyu Wang, Le Tong. (2024) Aesthetic Comparison of Cixin Liu’s and Ted Chiang’s Science Fiction Works. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 8(10), 2442-2447.