
Wavelength-Adaptation Underwater Optical Wireless Sensor Network Using Visible Light Communications


Xin Lin

Research and Development Division, Nakagawa Laboratories, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.

*Corresponding author: Xin Lin

Published: October 29,2020


A wavelength-adaptation underwater optical wireless sensor network (UOWSN) is proposed for marine environment development and seafloor resources observa-tion. The method of LED-based visible light communication (VLC) is employed for creating the wireless network among the sensor nodes, and each sensor node is a VLC transceiver. The LED is incoherent source, it can neither damage the ma-rine creatures like as a coherent laser source nor lose the inherent high speediness of light radiation yet. The wavelength-adaptation technique is used to adaptive control seawater turbidity and marine environment which both have spatiotem-poral change. The effectiveness of proposed UOWSN is demonstrated in the ex-periments of underwater one-to-one image transmissions.


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How to cite this paper

Wavelength-Adaptation Underwater Optical Wireless Sensor Network Using Visible Light Communications

How to cite this paper: Xin Lin. (2020) Wavelength-Adaptation Underwater Optical Wireless Sensor Network Using Visible Light Communications. Advances in Computer and Communication, 1(1), 7-15.