Objective: The current market supply of black goji berries is limited, leading to high prices and a shortage in availability. This situation has resulted in an increase in counterfeit products, primarily using goji berries, blueberries, and other similar fruits to impersonate black goji berries. Most people cannot distinguish with the naked eye, this method utilizes two distinct standard products to identify black goji berry products and blueberries. It observes the patterns of polyphenols and flavonoids at various wavelengths. Methods: HPLC was used to establish the fingerprint of 6 flavonoids and 9 Fingerprints of polyphenols. Results: The fingerprints of black goji berries and blueberries were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, and the fingerprints were obtained and analyzed. Conclusion: By analyzing the fingerprints of polyphenols and flavonoids in black goji berries and blueberries, we can establish a liquid-phase identification method to differentiate between black goji berry products and the anthocyanins and rutin found in blueberries.
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Identification of Anthocyanins and Rutin in Black Goji, Blueberry, and Goji
How to cite this paper: Haiyan Wu, Du Yi, Jinjing Li, Fan Li, Zhengfei Lu, Yanjun Zhang, Peter Chang, Gary Swanson. (2024) Identification of Anthocyanins and Rutin in Black Goji, Blueberry, and Goji. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 8(4), 152-156.