Haors are natural low-lying watersheds inundated for 5-6 months by flood waters across the northeastern part of Bangladesh. Fishermen in haors are engaged in fishing, while the fisherwomen are involved in wet fish trading, fish drying, net mending, crafting traps and gears but never engage in aquaculture. This paper discusses the community participations in women-led cage aquaculture as an alternative livelihood for haor areas. The interventions included formation of women groups from two distinct fishing communities—ethnic fisherwomen (EFW) and mainstream poor women (MPW) groups, where 10 cages of tilapia monoculture was demonstrated to each group with hands-on training and inputs. A 4-month cage culture study, having a cage size of 27 m3, obtained 15.56 kg.m3-1 and 14.52 kg.m3-1 respectively in EFW and MPW with FCR values of 1.11 and 1.21 in that order (p>0.05). The produce of EFW group was sold by themselves in both wholesale and retail markets and accordingly, profit margins were higher by 9.02% compared to MPW group. The results were encouraging towards adopting haor aquaculture as viable alternative livelihood option by fisherwomen across the haor floodplain.
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Community Women Intervention in haor Floodplain: A Case of Women-Led Cage Aquaculture from Kishoreganj haor Areas of Bangladesh
How to cite this paper: A. K. M. Nowsad Alam, Shahidul Islam Bhuiya, Fozlul Kabeer, Al-Shahriar, Mohammad Nuruzzaman. (2020) Community Women Intervention in haor Floodplain: A Case of Women-Led Cage Aquaculture from Kishoreganj haor Areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(4), 492-501.