Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2020.12.021

Effects of Soil and Water Conservation Structures on Crop Yield, Lemo District, Southern Ethiopia


Yohannes Horamo More*, Mulatu Chernet Madolo

Department of Natural Resources Management, Wachemo University, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author:Yohannes Horamo More

Published: January 5,2021


The soil loss in Ethiopia in general and in southern Ethiopia in particular has becoming critical to be considered as burning issue. This research was carried out to investigate the effects of soil bund and fanyajuu bund on crop yield on the cropping pattern of the farmers on their fields. Randomized complete block de-sign (RBCD) with seven replication and three position, (lower, middle and upper) and wheat as a test crop were used for the investigation. Data on plant height, 1,000 seed weight, number of seed per spike, grain yield and day to 50% spiking were taken. Considering the seven locations level fanyajuu and level bund treated plots showed 50.9% and 43.2% greater yield than the control plot, respectively. Correlation analysis showed significant correlation with most of soil physico-chemical properties and agronomic characteristics on level bund and level fanyajuu whereas it showed insignificant correlation with control plot. Fi-nally it was suggested that further study should be conducted under different agro-ecological zones to attain more comprehensive results.


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How to cite this paper

Effects of Soil and Water Conservation Structures on Crop Yield, Lemo District, Southern Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Yohannes Horamo More, Mulatu Chernet Madolo. (2020) Effects of Soil and Water Conservation Structures on Crop Yield, Lemo District, Southern Ethiopia. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture4(4), 519-527.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2020.12.021