Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2021.03.002

Characterization of Wheat Flour Bread Fortified with Banana Flour


Towhidur Rahman1,*, Shompa Akter2, Ashfak Ahmed Sabuz3, Rahmatuzzaman Rana4

1Upazila Nirbahi Officer (Chief Administrative Officer of a Sub-District), Fulbari, Kurigram, Bangladesh.

2Upazila Agriculture Officer (Chief Agriculture Officer of a Sub-District), Rajarhat, Kurigram, Bangladesh.

3Scientific Officer, Postharvest Technology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

4Assistant Professor, Food Engg. & Tea Technology, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author: Towhidur Rahman

Published: January 7,2021


Breads were formulated from wheat flour incorporating 5%, 10%, and 15% ba-nana flour. The baking properties of bread, such as loaf volume, specific volume, and moisture content, were evaluated. The proximate composition of the formu-lated bread was analyzed. Bread volume decreased with increasing banana flour, whereas the bread weight and moisture content significantly increased with the increasing level of banana flour. It was a noticeable observation that the ash content increased in a noticeable amount by increasing the proportion of banana flour. The color of both crumb and crust of bread was improved by incorporating 5% banana flour in bread formulation. The analysis of bread containing 5% banana flour showed moisture 33.55%, Protein 8.575%, fat 2.60%, ash 1.59%, crude fiber 1.20%, total sugar 1.75%, carbohydrate 53.685%, respectively. The formulation of banana blend (5%) bread was wheat flour 190g, banana flour 10g, yeast 4g, sugar 8g, salt 4g, fat 8g, moisture 130 ml. Semi-trained panelists carried out the sensory analysis. The response of the taste panelist was statistically analyzed. The flavor, color, and overall acceptability of bread containing 5% banana flour give the highest average score value. The bakery industry may use banana flour for incorporation into the bread making without much affecting the sensory qualities with improved fiber contents.


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How to cite this paper

Characterization of Wheat Flour Bread Fortified with Banana Flour

How to cite this paper: Towhidur Rahman, Shompa Akter, Ashfak Ahmed Sabuz, Rahmatuzzaman Rana. (2021) Characterization of Wheat Flour Bread Fortified with Banana FlourInternational Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture5(1), 7-11.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2021.03.002