Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jamc.2018.02.001

Optimal Design of Steel Crossed Beams with Genetic Algorithm


Ersilio Tushaj1, Niko Lako2

1Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania. Email. ersilio.tushaj@gmail.com

2Polytechnic Universiy of Tirana, Albania. Email. nlako@yahoo.com

*Corresponding author: Ersilio Tushaj

Published: February 27,2018


The structural engineering design problem consists in an iterative process of design. Various authors have analyzed the optimization of steel structures using different algorithmic approaches. These techniques are generally grouped in deterministic or meta-heuristics. From the introduction of structural optimization in the 1960’ up to now, various methods have been proposed. A GA genetic algorithm, is built and applied in this study using MatLab soft R2017a to crossed beams systems. The structural analysis is done applying the direct stiffness method with constraints verification based on EuroCode 3:2005 criteria. Results are reported in the study.


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How to cite this paper

Optimal Design of Steel Crossed Beams with Genetic Algorithm 

How to cite this paper: Ersilio Tushaj, Niko Lako. (2018). Optimal Design of Steel Crossed Beams with Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2(2), 37-41.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jamc.2018.02.001