Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jamc.2021.06.005

IVESR Rumor Spreading Model in Homogeneous Network with Hesitating and Forgetting Mechanisms


Md. Nahid Hasan, Saiful Islam*, Chandra Nath Podder

Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author: Saiful Islam

Published: May 21,2021


In this paper, we study a new IVESR rumor spreading model with hesitating and forgetting mechanisms in homogeneous network. The rumor free and rumor prevailing equilibriums, and the basic reproduction number  are calculated from the mean-field equations of the model. The local and global stability of rumor free equilibrium are proved by using Lyapunov function and LaSalle invariance principle, and the existence of rumor prevailing equilibrium is shown. In numerical simulations, it is found that the vaccination, prohibiting people to spread the rumor, can lessen the propagation of rumor in the network. We also show that the fuzziness of the rumor has a great impact on the size of spreader and the forgetting factor has a great effect on the rumor prevailing duration. Furthermore, we analyze the sensitivity of different parameters on  and discussed how they affect the spreading and controlling of the rumor.


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How to cite this paper

IVESR Rumor Spreading Model in Homogeneous Network with Hesitating and Forgetting Mechanisms

How to cite this paper: Md. Nahid Hasan, Saiful Islam, Chandra Nath Podder. (2021) IVESR Rumor Spreading Model in Homogeneous Network with Hesitating and Forgetting Mechanisms. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation5(2), 105-118.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jamc.2021.06.005