Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jhass.2021.07.008

Transnational Environmental Crimes


Siniša Franjić

Independent Researcher, Osijek, Slavonia, Croatia.

*Corresponding author: Siniša Franjić

Published: September 7,2021


States may negotiate bilateral agreements on extradition and/or mutual legal assistance. Bilateral agreements can be very useful because they can be adapted to accurately reflect the legal systems and specific needs of the two countries. At the same time, it is easier to make changes and additions to them, in order to meet the requirements in the future. But negotiating bilateral agreements can be challenging when it comes to spending time and resources. The state sometimes needs to conclude a large number of such contracts to make sure that its potential interests are sufficiently met. Multilateral agreements have always been important in the context of international legal cooperation. The international community has begun to place increasing emphasis on the development of multilateral frameworks for cooperation on globally important issues. Examples of such emphasis include terrorism, drug trafficking, corruption, trade, the environment, and transnational crime. This paper discusses about certain environmental issues.


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How to cite this paper

Transnational Environmental Crimes

How to cite this paper: Siniša Franjić. (2021) Does Learning Transnational Environmental Crimes. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science5(2), 249-254.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jhass.2021.07.008