Recent years, a large amount of graph coloring algorithms have been applied in different disciplines and engineering. This paper exhibits a new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm using the new evolutionary operators with multi-objectives in finding the solution to graph coloring and channel allocation. Clique, a maximal connected complete subgraph of a given graph is obtained in solving channel allocation problem. The outcomes of the devised evolutionary method are compared with other recent approaches. Multiple better gene sequences are selected and are applying the subsequent crossover and mutation operations with multiple objectives. The devised operators significantly minimize the problem search space and average generations compared to the standard genetic algorithm. The proposed operators achieve better solution compared to some of the existing well known methods. The expected performance measures are also increased while minimizing the expected generations. The proposed operators can also be applied in solving special engineering applications of graph coloring.
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A New Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach to Graph Coloring and Channel Allocation Problems
How to cite this paper: S. Balakrishnan, Tamilarasi Suresh, Raja Marappan. (2021) A New Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach to Graph Coloring and Channel Allocation Problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 5(4), 252-263.