Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2022.03.006

Climate-Smart Agricultural Extension Service Innovation Approaches in Uganda: Review Paper


Benson Turyasingura1,*, Petros Chavula2

1Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Kabale University, PO Box 317, Kabale, Uganda. 

2Department of Climate-Smart Agriculture, Haramaya University, Haramaya, Oromia, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Benson Turyasingura

Published: February 8,2022


Agriculture is anticipated to remain the economy’s backbone for the foreseeable future, with agricultural operations employing a large majority of Uganda’s work force 72%. The aim of this review was to assess the agriculture extension and advisory services; brief description of agriculture extension and advisory service system in Uganda focusing on typology providers, dominant models used and target groups; providing examples of agriculture extension and advisory services related to climate smart agriculture with specific adaptation and mitigation and identifying and discussing the innovative approach and methods being used by different service providers in climate smart related extension. Farmers’ groups, government organizations, non-governmental organizations, commercial organizations, and universities are among the typologies employed in Uganda’s agriculture extension service. The agriculture extension and advisory services related to climate smart agriculture were integrated soil fertility management, crop rotation, cover crops and green manure, rotational grazing, seasonally adapted planting time and agroforestry systems. The innovative approach and methods being used by different service providers in climate smart related extension included extension methods for transfer of climate knowledge, training and visit extension and unified extension approaches, climate awareness mass media campaigns, ICT supported farmers in adaptation and mitigation, farmer field school and climate-smart villages. It was concluded that climate-smart extension approaches need to be considered as part of a broader set of adaptation measures and policies for agricultural systems at a range of scales through ICT integration. The study recommended for a strategic plan for women engagement in agriculture extension services by the Ugandan government.


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How to cite this paper

Climate-Smart Agricultural Extension Service Innovation Approaches in Uganda: Review Paper

How to cite this paper: Benson Turyasingura, Petros Chavula. (2022) Climate-Smart Agricultural Extension Service Innovation Approaches in Uganda: Review PaperInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(1), 35-43.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2022.03.006