Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2022.06.007

Small Ruminant Production System, Productivity and Their Role in Ethiopian Economy: Review


Diribi Mijena, Aman Getiso*

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Wondogenet Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box 198, Shashemene, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Aman Getiso

Published: May 26,2022


In Ethiopia, small ruminants are raised under mixed crop-livestock and pastoral/agro-pastoral production systems. To date, number of sheep and goat are greater than 42.92 and 52.46 million heads, respectively. Small ruminants play a crucial role in terms of generating employment opportunities, income generation, improving family nutrition, ensuring household food security and for foreign exchange earnings at national level. Despite the wide distribution and large size of small ruminant population, their productivity is low; they grow slowly and lamb/kid mortality is high and meat production potential also low. For the last twenty years the average annual meat consumption per capita from small ruminant is slightly increase with some fluctuations and the current small ruminant meat consumption was 2.48 kg/year. Apart from their contribution for the smallholders, small ruminant plays a vital role for foreign exchange earnings at national level. In 2020, Ethiopia earns 66.59 million US$ with the share of 64.20 and 2.39 million US$ from the export of small ruminant meat and live shoat export, respectively.


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How to cite this paper

Small Ruminant Production System, Productivity and Their Role in Ethiopian Economy: Review

How to cite this paper: Diribi Mijena, Aman Getiso. (2022) Small Ruminant Production System, Productivity and Their Role in Ethiopian Economy: Review. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(2), 175-184.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2022.06.007