Article http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jamc.2022.06.010

Training RNN-T with CTC Loss in Automatic Speech Recognition


Guangdong Huang1, Dan Zhou1,*, Sen Dan2, Fen Chi1

1School of Science. China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China.

2DIDI Chuxing, Beijing, China.

*Corresponding author: Dan Zhou

Published: July 1,2022


The end-to-end model for automatic speech recognition (ASR) has recently gained significant interest in the research community. Standard RNN-T loss causes an unreasonable alignment of output and labels, such as the model outputting a sequence of labels at a single time frame and a single label can only be emitted by a single frame. We apply the CTC loss function to RNN-T model to address these problems. On the assumption that the output sequence is no longer than the input sequence we propose an improved forward-backward algorithm to calculate the loss. Experimental results for speech recognition are provided on the AISHELL-1 speech corpus. The results show that TCL converges faster without causing gradient explosion compared with RNN-T.TCL achieves a 9.5% character error rate on a test set of AISHELL-1 Chinese speech corpus, outperforming both the baseline RNN-T reported by Z. Tian etc. and standard CTC achieve11.82% and 10.8% respectively. RNN-T with CTC loss achieves a 19.63% relative reduction in character error rate compared with the standard RNN-T and a 12.04% relative reduction in character error rate compared with standard CTC on the test set.


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How to cite this paper

Training RNN-T with CTC Loss in Automatic Speech Recognition

How to cite this paper:  Guangdong Huang, Dan Zhou, Sen Dan, Fen Chi. (2022) Training RNN-T with CTC Loss in Automatic Speech Recognition. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation6(2), 256-262.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/jamc.2022.06.010